If you would like to add a prayer request or an encouraging word to someone in need use the message board below.
Select either Pray for our needs, or Answered Prayers to see the details of each request. Then select "New Topic" to enter your need.
Please fill the form as below:
Name Your Name Goes here
Topic The person's name or need that you are praying for goes here
Topic Description Enter "Prayer Request", "Personal need", "Prayer answered", etc.
Details Write any general details that you want our prayer partners to know about this need. Please refrain from putting specific health details, medications, and care details to guard the persons privacy.
Verify the image Type the letters and numbes that you see then click "Post Topic"
NOTE: All Prayer request will be monitored and approved prior to publishing by our administrator.
Please, pray that Jason & his family trust Jesus as their Savior and Lord. Let see Jesus is the way, truth, life, and only way to the Father. Pray that I follow God's direction. Thank you!